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Hello all! I am happy to announce that I am launching QuietGrowth ( QuietGrowth.com.au ), the most advanced digital investment management s...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Most of the donations to me are from people I have not yet met

Let me tell you an interesting fact -- Most of the donations to me are from people I have not yet met!

Another fact -- Most of the donations to me in recent times are from people I do not know personally or professionally!

I will put out more detailed statistics soon.

May be this pleasant phenomenon is because people far and wide like what I do with their money and trust me for putting their money for the intended task.

It has been two years since I started asking funds for my activities in public sphere. A good number of people have responded and I have immense gratitude to my "family of donors". In coming years, I am thinking of certain initiatives to take this forward and engaging with my "family of donors" in a more constructive and fulfilling manner.

Yes, you too are welcome to join this family: www.dilipsankarreddy.com/donate

I look forward to your support. Thanks.

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