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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Expansion of the scope of donations to our activities

I have been seeking donations for three main activities that I was supervising in two categories.

Category 1: Political initiatives
Activity (a): My political campaign

Category 2: Social initiatives
Activity (a): Social activities such as road-side drinking water kiosks during summer, school bags to girl child, food distribution in orphanages and old-age homes, lighting facilities to tribals and nomads, etc.
Activity (b): 'Voter India' initiative involving door-to-door voter enrollment, voter deletion check-up centers, etc.

In coming months, I would like to expand the scope of the donations to include a third category -- "Environmental initiatives."


  1. Environment is very important to all of us, wherever we live
  2. I am interested in spending some time in activities related to environment and I have a track record
  3. I would like to include those who resonate with "environmental initiatives" in our "family of donors"

Watch out for more! Yes, please feel free to donate at www.dilipsankarreddy.com/donate

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