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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Quick review of Farm Bill 2020

Medium term: Win
Long term: Big win (in theory). However, farmers need to be alert because corporate firms are smart people and farmers also should become smart to maintain a win-win situation.

Different types of middlemen—
Medium term: Loss
Long term: Loss

Medium term: Win
Long term: Win (in theory)

Retail corporate firms and export corporate firms—
Medium term: Win
Long term: Win

1) Farm Bill 2020 is the popular name given to the actual bills:
    a) Farmer's Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020,and
    b) Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020.
2) Medium term — Next 5 years. Long term — after 6 years and beyond

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I support the creation of 3 capitals for Andhra Pradesh state

I wholeheartedly support the creation of 3 capitals for Andhra Pradesh state.

It's a wonderful decision. Having different capitals for different purposes helps in distributed growth of the state.

Some might argue that there are better methods to implement distributed growth. Yes, there are better methods to achieve decentralised and equitable growth. But the method of having multiple capitals for different purposes can be implemented in addition to other methods.

Taking this as a cue, other states, especially the bigger ones, should start to have two capitals or three capitals — each capital for a different purpose.

If states choose two capitals, then one capital city can focus on Executive+Legislative while the other capital focuses on Judiciary.

Freedom to flee own country

When a citizen, who has committed no crime, tries to flee her country (and the destination country is willing to absorb her), then she should be allowed to flee.

But this hasn't been followed by many countries. Example: East Germany, North Korea.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Use either N95 or surgical masks, instead of cloth masks, if you can afford them

Unfortunately, the majority of folks who have decent disposable incomes use a cheap cloth mask instead of a surgical mask which is more effective.

These folks can easily afford either N95 or surgical masks!

#coronavirus #covid_19 #WuhanVirus #COVIDー19 #MaskUp

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Stop the pension system for current Government employees

Paying the pension bills of retired Government employees has become a significant burden on Governments of developing countries. The situation is becoming very painful for Governments because of the increasing life expectancy of retired Government employees. Very little money is left for building/maintaining tangible assets after paying for the pensions.

It's better to stop the promise of future Pension payments to current employees while increasing their current salary to compensate.

Australian superannuation model is the best, and these Governments should emulate it. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Meaning of words Secularism and Liberalism is incorrectly understood by many

In many democracies, the words 'secular' and 'liberal' are getting a bad name because a large number of folks who are neither secular nor liberal are calling themselves 'secular' or 'liberal'.

Far-left activists, socialists, minority-appeasement functionaries, extreme-globalists without any skin-in-the-game, victim-card players, jealousy-filled losers, lazy freeloaders and their ilk have become shrill in falsely claiming their agenda as 'secular' and 'liberal'.

Unfortunately, due to these sad turn of events, the majority of everyday people have forgotten or are not aware of the real meaning of secularism and liberalism.