Clean politics took definite shape with the launch of Lok Satta Party in 2009. But due to many reasons, its momentum has been slow. Then the clean politics agenda got a big boost with the tremendous growth of Aam Aadmi Party from 2013 to mid-2015.
Now, the space is getting more mature. The reality is that 'clean politics' as an agenda cannot exist on its own. People have started linking the 'clean politics' attribute with other attributes love/hate such as:
a) is the party secular or communal or pseudo-secular?
b) is the party progressive with a development agenda?
c) is the party liberal with a progressive social agenda?
d) is the party a champion of socialist policies?
d) is the party a champion of particular caste/s?
e) is the party a champion of a particular state?
... and so on.
AAP is losing its appeal among progressive urban sections (for many reason. For example, it is more socialist). AAP might become stronger, but it might not become the conscience-keeper of the nation.
LSP is growing, but slowly. Still, a large number of people do not know the work done of LSP. I opine that LSP will slowly gain more ground among progressive urban sections of India.
Tomorrow, the expectation will not be just 'clean politics'. The expectation will be 'clean and progressive politics'. LSP fits that expectation much better than any other party.
Now, the space is getting more mature. The reality is that 'clean politics' as an agenda cannot exist on its own. People have started linking the 'clean politics' attribute with other attributes love/hate such as:
a) is the party secular or communal or pseudo-secular?
b) is the party progressive with a development agenda?
c) is the party liberal with a progressive social agenda?
d) is the party a champion of socialist policies?
d) is the party a champion of particular caste/s?
e) is the party a champion of a particular state?
... and so on.
AAP is losing its appeal among progressive urban sections (for many reason. For example, it is more socialist). AAP might become stronger, but it might not become the conscience-keeper of the nation.
LSP is growing, but slowly. Still, a large number of people do not know the work done of LSP. I opine that LSP will slowly gain more ground among progressive urban sections of India.
Tomorrow, the expectation will not be just 'clean politics'. The expectation will be 'clean and progressive politics'. LSP fits that expectation much better than any other party.
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