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Saturday, June 18, 2022

Glad that AP Government has dumped the total liquor prohibition policy

Gradual decrease of liquor availability and eventual total liquor prohibition was one of the "Navaratnalu" of Jagan's Government. It was a poll promise. I am glad that this policy has been dumped because it did not make any practical sense.

An adult should have access to buy alcohol if he/she can afford it. There is already substantial awareness about the ill-effects of drinking alcohol. In spite of this, if someone drinks alcohol, it is their choice.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Indian Defence Forces are not an employment creation scheme

The purpose of Indian defence forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, other wings) is not to act as an employment creation scheme. They devise a mechanism for recruitment based on their requirement and the budget allocated to them.

Coming to Agnipath scheme, it is a wonderful approach. The obvious benefits are:
  • The composition of the Forces becomes younger. Now it is a bit older than desirable.
  • The Forces save money (our taxpayers money) that can used to buy valuable combat equipment.

What about those fail to get a permanent job after 4 years? Well, they can try for a job with their existing skills. Or, reskill themselves for their desired job.