National President of Lok Satta Party, Surendra Srivastava has announced a new National team of office bearers.
I wish them good luck in their endeavor to improve the state of politics in India. They face enormous amounts of challenge, and I hope they will perform successfully to achieve tangible results.
I was part of the first National Steering Committee and National Council of Lok Satta. The experience was enriching as I was at the helm of the affairs when we positioned ourselves nationally, and as we fought the General Elections 2014 and undivided Andhra Pradesh Assembly Elections 2014. As an outgoing member of the National team, I wish them good luck.
1. Dr. Ashwin Mahesh - National Vice President - Bengaluru
2. Ms. Tara Krishnaswamy - Political Secretary to National President - Bengaluru
3. Ms. Hyma Potineni - National General Secretary - Hyderabad
4. Mr. Suresh Nandawat - National Treasurer - Mumbai
5. Dr. Pattabhi Ramaiah - Chairperson - National Disciplinary Committee - Guntur
6. Ms.Tara Krishnaswamy - Chairperson - National Strategy,Program Development & Monitoring Committee - Bengaluru
7. Ms.Elizabeth Seshadri - Chairperson - National Legal Committee - Chennai
8. Ms. Vasantha Gullapalli - Chairperson - National Organisational Development Committee - Hyderabad
9. Mr. Srinivas Alavilli - Chairperson - National Communication Committee - Bengaluru
10. Mr. Kalyan Raman - Chairperson - National NRI Committee
11. Mr. Katari Srinivas Rao - National Spokes Person - Hyderabad
12. Mr. Jagadheeswaran D - National Spokes Person - Chennai
13. Mr. Rajeev Pai - National Spokes Person - Mumbai
14. Mr. Manthuri Mogulaiah - National Office Secretary - Hyderabad
15. Ms. Shraddha Ipte - Private Secretary to National President. - Mumbai
I wish them good luck in their endeavor to improve the state of politics in India. They face enormous amounts of challenge, and I hope they will perform successfully to achieve tangible results.
I was part of the first National Steering Committee and National Council of Lok Satta. The experience was enriching as I was at the helm of the affairs when we positioned ourselves nationally, and as we fought the General Elections 2014 and undivided Andhra Pradesh Assembly Elections 2014. As an outgoing member of the National team, I wish them good luck.
1. Dr. Ashwin Mahesh - National Vice President - Bengaluru
2. Ms. Tara Krishnaswamy - Political Secretary to National President - Bengaluru
3. Ms. Hyma Potineni - National General Secretary - Hyderabad
4. Mr. Suresh Nandawat - National Treasurer - Mumbai
5. Dr. Pattabhi Ramaiah - Chairperson - National Disciplinary Committee - Guntur
6. Ms.Tara Krishnaswamy - Chairperson - National Strategy,Program Development & Monitoring Committee - Bengaluru
7. Ms.Elizabeth Seshadri - Chairperson - National Legal Committee - Chennai
8. Ms. Vasantha Gullapalli - Chairperson - National Organisational Development Committee - Hyderabad
9. Mr. Srinivas Alavilli - Chairperson - National Communication Committee - Bengaluru
10. Mr. Kalyan Raman - Chairperson - National NRI Committee
11. Mr. Katari Srinivas Rao - National Spokes Person - Hyderabad
12. Mr. Jagadheeswaran D - National Spokes Person - Chennai
13. Mr. Rajeev Pai - National Spokes Person - Mumbai
14. Mr. Manthuri Mogulaiah - National Office Secretary - Hyderabad
15. Ms. Shraddha Ipte - Private Secretary to National President. - Mumbai
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