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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Two friends -- Two recent book releases

Two of my good friends have recently released their books. Do check them out!

1) James Carmichael released the first of the five part sci-fantasy book Erra's Throne. I went to Chicago Booth with him and he is a very talented writer.

Link to the book: www.amazon.com/Erras-Throne-Column-Tablet-Book-ebook/dp/B00LCSRS6I

2) Vishwas Mudagal released his debut novel Losing my Religion that is based in an Indian setting. I explored an entrepreneurial venture with Vishwas in 2004 and have known him since then.

Link to the book: www.amazon.in/Losing-My-Religion-Vishwas-Mudagal/dp/8172344937

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