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Friday, November 27, 2020

I endorse Velaga Srinivas for GHMC Corporate elections candidate for Hyder Nagar, Hyderabad

Velaga Srinivas is contesting for the Corporator of Hyder Nagar ward in the oncoming GHMC (Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation) elections. The elections are scheduled on 1 December 2020.

I have known him since 2012 and met him for the first time in Hyderabad at that time. He was a young Lok Satta Party leader at that time. He is committed to working for the people -- spending his time, energy and utilizing his skills. Hyder Nagar ward and Hyderabad will benefit more from his winning this election.

He is contesting as a BJP candidate. Irrespective of your party preferences, I urge you to support his candidature.

His personal website: www.velagasrinivas.org

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Judging based on what one has done so far

As you approach the age of 40 years and beyond, people gradually cease judging you based on what you say you want to do. They increasingly judge you based on what you have done so far.

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Over the next one year, many people will get acquainted with the word 'reflation'. (Meaning of 'reflation': Expansion in the output level of economy by government stimulus, using either fiscal policy or monetary policy or both.)

As the economic damage from covid-19 continues to rage at least till mid-2021 or end-of-2021, many governments would want to spend to prop up economies temporarily but these governments won't have much money to spend!

So, debates will increase on the topic of how much to spend and where to get that money to spend. In these public discussions and discourses, the word 'reflation' will be increasingly used.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Choosing between inequality and poverty

Low-cost mobile data, free mobile apps and low-cost smartphones have played a greater role in poverty alleviation across the world than many government welfare schemes.

Even if this massive positive effect results in the emergence of a few hundred new billionaires and the perceived increase in inequality, I am perfectly fine with it!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Quick review of Farm Bill 2020

Medium term: Win
Long term: Big win (in theory). However, farmers need to be alert because corporate firms are smart people and farmers also should become smart to maintain a win-win situation.

Different types of middlemen—
Medium term: Loss
Long term: Loss

Medium term: Win
Long term: Win (in theory)

Retail corporate firms and export corporate firms—
Medium term: Win
Long term: Win

1) Farm Bill 2020 is the popular name given to the actual bills:
    a) Farmer's Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill, 2020,and
    b) Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill, 2020.
2) Medium term — Next 5 years. Long term — after 6 years and beyond

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I support the creation of 3 capitals for Andhra Pradesh state

I wholeheartedly support the creation of 3 capitals for Andhra Pradesh state.

It's a wonderful decision. Having different capitals for different purposes helps in distributed growth of the state.

Some might argue that there are better methods to implement distributed growth. Yes, there are better methods to achieve decentralised and equitable growth. But the method of having multiple capitals for different purposes can be implemented in addition to other methods.

Taking this as a cue, other states, especially the bigger ones, should start to have two capitals or three capitals — each capital for a different purpose.

If states choose two capitals, then one capital city can focus on Executive+Legislative while the other capital focuses on Judiciary.

Freedom to flee own country

When a citizen, who has committed no crime, tries to flee her country (and the destination country is willing to absorb her), then she should be allowed to flee.

But this hasn't been followed by many countries. Example: East Germany, North Korea.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Use either N95 or surgical masks, instead of cloth masks, if you can afford them

Unfortunately, the majority of folks who have decent disposable incomes use a cheap cloth mask instead of a surgical mask which is more effective.

These folks can easily afford either N95 or surgical masks!

#coronavirus #covid_19 #WuhanVirus #COVIDー19 #MaskUp

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Stop the pension system for current Government employees

Paying the pension bills of retired Government employees has become a significant burden on Governments of developing countries. The situation is becoming very painful for Governments because of the increasing life expectancy of retired Government employees. Very little money is left for building/maintaining tangible assets after paying for the pensions.

It's better to stop the promise of future Pension payments to current employees while increasing their current salary to compensate.

Australian superannuation model is the best, and these Governments should emulate it. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Meaning of words Secularism and Liberalism is incorrectly understood by many

In many democracies, the words 'secular' and 'liberal' are getting a bad name because a large number of folks who are neither secular nor liberal are calling themselves 'secular' or 'liberal'.

Far-left activists, socialists, minority-appeasement functionaries, extreme-globalists without any skin-in-the-game, victim-card players, jealousy-filled losers, lazy freeloaders and their ilk have become shrill in falsely claiming their agenda as 'secular' and 'liberal'.

Unfortunately, due to these sad turn of events, the majority of everyday people have forgotten or are not aware of the real meaning of secularism and liberalism.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Let's all celebrate the rebuilding of Lord Rama's temple at Ayodhya

Lord Rama is one of the best kings. A gift to the world. He is an important part of Indian history, culture and identity (irrespective of the religion of an Indian).

It's a joyous moment for all humankind that the most important temple dedicated to him is being rebuilt now, after 492 long, painful years.

Let us all make a pledge that we do not destroy places of worship that were built originally by one religion, to be replaced by places of of worship of another religion.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

My predictions for the next 25 years

My predictions for the next 25 years (unless a major war takes place, a significant currency collapses, or a catastrophe occurs):

1) Poverty will decrease. Poor will become less poor.

2) Wealth inequality will increase. The floor used to categorise someone as 'rich' will raise.

3) The proportion of new-rich will increase while that of old-rich will decrease in the 'rich' category.

4) Higher possibility of upward mobility. More fairness in society to achieve upward mobility.

5) Majority of people who are not rich will favour socialism.

6) Beautiful neighbourhoods with clean air and clean water will be more expensive.

7) Food shortage will not occur because of advancements in agritech and foodtech. But high-quality food will be more expensive.

8) Social unrest will increase. Class wars will escalate. Fights for resources will increase.

9) A massive increase in the number of people who are skilled enough to do most of the jobs. So, more competition to secure jobs.

10) Very-high-salary jobs might not increase in number. Hence, more attempts by the best to plunge into entrepreneurship.

11) Some of the rich might come together to negotiate with governments to create small autonomous areas for their exclusive living, with their own local laws and regulations.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Celebrate entrepreneurs who create decent-paying jobs

As the population increases in a society, the density of decent-paying jobs decreases. This results in a lower quality of life for a huge number of people. Social unrest follows.This can be observed in many high-density societies including India.

In these challenging times, these societies should celebrate entrepreneurs who create decent-paying jobs.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Future of residential luxury real estate

The rich are increasingly preferring to live in spread-out neighborhoods as this pandemic continues. Condominiums in ultra-luxury high-rises will shed a good part of their appeal for a long time.

Being cautious during the coronavirus pandemic

As the founder of an early-stage startup, I am being very cautious to ensure that I don't get infected with covid-19. Because, what's at stake is the trajectory of startup, employees' careers, money pumped in by shareholders and value provided to customers.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

UBI, poverty and population control

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is not sustainable in high population nations that are not rich. For example, in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and many African countries. Population Control norms such as heavily disincentivising a family from having more than two children are the only long-term, minimal requirements for UBI to become an implementable idea in such nations.

I find it foolish when some people speak about implementing UBI in countries like India, without discussing population control.

Morever, short-term and medium-term increase in poverty due to the prolonged corona virus pandemic is a certainty. In this context too, population control measures, such as heavily disincentivising more than two children per family, is now more relevant in high-population nations that are not rich.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Who will bear the brunt of this global pandemic?

The biggest sufferers of this global pandemic are poor people who are elderly. The second biggest sufferers are poor people who are young. The gains made in poverty alleviation in the last few years will be reversed. Income inequality will increase in a few places and might fall in a few other areas, and it's not an important topic to discuss compared to poverty alleviation.

The poor and middle-class people will take calculated risks towards work, and many of them will pay the price by getting themselves infected with the virus. Almost all Governments (except rich countries and the US, which has US Dollar, the world reserve currency) have minimal room to address the dire needs of the majority of the citizens. The information about the virus that we know is limited, and we can safely say that the economic recovery will take at least a year.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Best face mask to use to prevent corona virus

The best choice I have noticed consistently has been N95. The second-best choice has been 'Surgical mask' for Corona virus.

Someone told me that N100 mask is better than N95 mask. Please do your research before deciding which type to purchase.

I have attached here three images that give comparison of different face masks. The origin of these two images is unknown.

(Source: Unknown)

(Source: Unknown)

(Source: CDC)

Cut the face mask after you use it, and then dispose it. This will prevent unscrupulous folks from repacking the used masks and selling them.

#ncov2020 #CoronavirusOutbreak #nCoV2019 #nCoV #Coronavirus #CoronaOutbreak #COVID19