The Member of Parliament for Alwar Lok Sabha constituency in Rajasthan passed away on September 17th. So, a by-poll will be held for this constituency soon. I personally know Mohit Yadav for the last 9 years, an young, dynamic and humble public problem-solver from Alwar. He has notable academic credentials, and has set up his own entrepreneurial firm providing service throughout India. The name of his young company is Gadget Cops, that provides insurance for mobile phones and other gadgets of consumers. He is a Full-TIme MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, one of the top 4 business school programs in the world. He has worked in the investment banking in the US for many years. He and his family are associated with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). So, he is highly educated, has business skills, energetic, loyal to his party, and extremely interested to serve the people by assuming the responsibility of a dutiful Member of Parliament, if he gets to contest on BJP ticket and win the election.
Our country needs capable, knowledgeable and enthusiastic people to take up the onerous responsibility of serving people through the platforms of political parties and through elected Governments. We want more people like Mohit Yadav to come forward. You should note that the opportunity cost of Mohit Yadav is immense, because he has the ability to earn a lot of money either by strengthening his company, or by working in high-paying jobs in finance in the US. However, he has chosen to devote a good part of his time to serve the people.
I endorse Mohit Yadav to get the BJP ticket to contest as BJP candidate for the Alwar Lok Sabha by-poll elections.
- Dilip Sankarreddy
September 30, 2017
Our country needs capable, knowledgeable and enthusiastic people to take up the onerous responsibility of serving people through the platforms of political parties and through elected Governments. We want more people like Mohit Yadav to come forward. You should note that the opportunity cost of Mohit Yadav is immense, because he has the ability to earn a lot of money either by strengthening his company, or by working in high-paying jobs in finance in the US. However, he has chosen to devote a good part of his time to serve the people.
I endorse Mohit Yadav to get the BJP ticket to contest as BJP candidate for the Alwar Lok Sabha by-poll elections.
- Dilip Sankarreddy
September 30, 2017