Something strange is happening in the Telugu-speaking region of India. A person who has lost the election badly, who is perceived to be a "failed politician", who has renounced electoral politics, who has persuaded his party to renounce electoral politics, who is ignored by the national and the local media, who continues to not indulge in any gimmicks to get attention, who is currently not leading a ground-level people's movement, who is ignored by all the power-players, who is slowly getting old in an young society, is increasingly being adored, respected by the people.
JP is gaining strength. Importantly, though JP is not doing much to get that strength, still, he is gaining strength.
Just watch his Facebook and Twitter traffic. It has been increasing consistently for the last 2 years since 2014 elections. And we all know that he is not paying for that traffic. It is organic.
I personally do not know any other Indian politician who has shown this enormous amount of capacity. The only person who comes to mind was Subramanian Swamy when he was leading Janata Party. But at least the national media was covering him a lot for his sensational statements. JP does not even have that advantage.
Why is JP gaining strength? May be because people are realizing that he is the only person left in the entire Andhra Pradesh who can set right the sad situation.
Let's see how this will eventually turn out. Will this adoration translate to votes if JP decides to enter electoral politics again? People have failed him twice. Will they fail him again?