The story started in 2013 when Narendra Modi began making the correct statements on building a successful India. The nation was furious about the corruption scandals in the Congress government. Jayaprakash Narayan, who prioritizes the nation above everything else, believed that Modi is the best PM that India can have in the current situation, and endorsed the PM candidature of Modi. In 2014 General elections, as JP contested from Malkajgiri, an important campaign slogan was "Modi for India, JP for Malkajgiri". People accepted the slogan even though Modi belonged to Bharatiya Janata Party and JP belonged to Lok Satta Party. Due to certain reasons, JP could not win that election.
Now, the biggest drawback of Modi's Government is the shortage of talented and driven ministers in the Central Government. Many ambitious plans are not getting executed because of this reason, resulting in low performance of India. Modi should immediately invite talented people to his team, else India will not perform to its full potential. JP is one of the apt persons that Modi should approach. I am sure that JP will accept to work with Modi, in an apolitical manner, keeping the best interests of the country in mind.
Previously, JP helped the former PM Manmohan Singh and Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi when Congress was in power. Even though JP was extremely critical of Congress Government (example: JP filed the 2G spectrum scam case against Congress Government Supreme Court), JP was always available to help the then PM Manmohan Singh and also Sonia Gandhi on policy related issues.
Now, Modi should realize the shortcomings of his Government and invite capable persons such as JP to take up responsibilities. If Modi does not act fast on these shortcomings, then he will face a very tough time in the next General Elections in 2019.