Lok Satta Party Telangana has appointed a new interim leadership till the next internal party elections in that state -- Dr. Panduranga Rao as State President, Solkar Reddy as State General Secretary, and Bhaskar Rao as State Treasurer. I congratulate them for taking up these new responsibilities.
I am sure LSP Telangana will benefit from the leadership of dignified and experienced Panduranga Rao. He is a former CEO of Novartis Animalcare, and previously served as a Spokesperson of LSP Telangana.
I am also thankful to the outgoing President of LSP Telangana, Bandaru Ram Mohan Rao and outgoing State General Secretary Srinivas Reddy. When I was leading the campaign in Malkajgiri Assembly constituency in Hyderabad, I benefited a lot from the guidance and support of Ram Mohan Rao garu. He is a people's person - unassuming, humble and friendly. Yet, he has vast experience in field work, an orator and a political writer. In short, a wonderful person, and I am sure Lok Satta Party will continue to benefit from his service.
I am sure LSP Telangana will benefit from the leadership of dignified and experienced Panduranga Rao. He is a former CEO of Novartis Animalcare, and previously served as a Spokesperson of LSP Telangana.
I am also thankful to the outgoing President of LSP Telangana, Bandaru Ram Mohan Rao and outgoing State General Secretary Srinivas Reddy. When I was leading the campaign in Malkajgiri Assembly constituency in Hyderabad, I benefited a lot from the guidance and support of Ram Mohan Rao garu. He is a people's person - unassuming, humble and friendly. Yet, he has vast experience in field work, an orator and a political writer. In short, a wonderful person, and I am sure Lok Satta Party will continue to benefit from his service.